Regretfully, recent life events meant I regretfully had to end my time as and on-site volunteer at Oak Table.  I agreed to write a few paragraphs about my volunteer experience with this very important organization.

In 2009, Geoff Woodcroft, our priest at St. Paul's Anglican Church, asked me if I could help out with the Wednesday art program because Katie Guth, the present volunteer, was out of the country for a while.

Although I have a nursing background, art has always been an important part of my life.  It was my job to keep the cupboards filled with art supplies and to help and encourage guests who stopped by on Wednesday afternoons.  Of course it became more than that, as relationships developed, especially with the "regulars" and with the other volunteers who were there, preparing and serving nourishing meals, problem-solving, and providing guests with physical and emotional support.  We had a devoted core of art volunteers over the years and friendships developed among us, Joan, Katie, Helen, Hope, Isabel, Janelle, and Rachel.  So many memories!  My artist friends in the community and people from St. Paul's generously also donated items that our guests could use and I am very grateful for their support.

 My husband Geoff and I will continue our monthly financial donations and support the important fund-raising activities for Oak Table.  When the new location is finally ready, I look forward to bringing all the donated art supplies

presently stored in our basement to help set up the art room!

Thank you to Glynis, Harvey and Susan and all the board members for your wonderful dedication, making Oak Table what it is today!